As a part of our household effort to reduce expenditures, Erik recently invested in a Flowbee. You may recall this device from Wayne's World. You know, that infomercial haircutting product that you hook up to a vacuum cleaner? Well, it's a real product and Erik is a proud new owner. The day that it arrived, Erik hadn't been home 5 minutes before he had the thing hooked up and running.

I am surprised to say that I like the look. But, I do hope that he doesn't decide to grow a moustache.
I'm so happy with my flowbee purchase it isn't even funny. That thing is practical!
I don't get it...it's a clipper combined with a hoover? A Cloover?
wow. is all. i can say. wow.
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Next time I'm in your neck of the woods sign me up for a trim with your man. It looks like fun.
oh yes, it's for real.
tim, we'll make it a flowbee party when you come!
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