Little Mexico

For our final Tucson ride, Erik took me a little closer to the border. Starting in a nice little retirement community and heading up hill toward Madera Canyon, Erik pulled me through a fierce headwind. The road was smooth and the traffic was light. Every few miles, the local 'patrol' served as a reminder that we were not far from Mexico. Which got me thinking that our trip to Tucson has been like a trip to Mexico, except with smoother pavement and potable tap water. Each night we feasted on spectacular Mexican food. Though the temperatures were cooler, the scenery was not unlike what we saw when we cycled near Cabo a few years ago. The city of Tucson itself is peppered with the culture as well - like the 80's era Monte Carlo that rolled past us last night with opaque tinted windows and a large sticker on the rear window that read 'Love Macheen'. Based on what I've been reading in the papers about the recent violence in Mexico, I can't see myself getting there any time soon. In the meantime, at least I know where I can go for a 'safe' Mexican getaway.
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