Thursday, February 17, 2011

TdA Stage 26. Stoned in Ethiopia.

162km. Buhir Dar to Bush Camp.

Stunning ride. Beautiful weather. Beautiful scenery. AND one of the best camp sites so far.

Ram, the only hindu on the trip, hit a cow this afternoon. He seems to have survived without too much damage, but his wheel is in rough shape. I'm a bit surprised that this is the first accident of this sort this year. It is chaotic through many of the towns that we pass through. Cows, tuk tuks, goats, children. It's not enough just to be on your toes, you have to be a bit lucky to get through unscathed!

The medical staff was busy this evening tending to stoning injuries. I was grateful to not be included in the group of casualties, now that I'm riding more or less near the front again.


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